What is duty of care and how is it usually done in companies?

A duty of care is a legal duty to take reasonable care not to cause harm to another person that could be reasonably foreseen. (https://beyondbusinesstravel.com/duty-of-care)

Duty of care is important in order to ensure that employees do not travel to regions at risk and if there is a danger, it will make it easier for the company to bring the employee back.

Travel advisory within the trip planning

Some businesses use external travel advisory services within individual trip planning or self-defined security levels for different regions in order to warn travelers that a certain destination is not safe. It also tells travelers what they need to do or are allowed to do in order to be able to go to their destination. These measures could for example be armed guardians or special security.

Travel advisory during the meeting planning

However, it makes more sense to review travel warnings one step ahead during the meeting planning process to avoid inviting people to an endangered destination:

1. The time period to check for alternatives is much longer

2. It is much more effective to check the location once rather than double-check the location for each participant and possibly cancel an appointment

3. Security measures can be planned centrally by the organizer to reduce the effort for individual security measures instead of every attendee

What risks are typically covered by these travel security programs?

• Pandemic diseases – for example, COVID-19

• Political crises

• Nature catastrophes

In summary, this makes travel security warnings fundamental to business organization processes.

CONVIEN now provides appropriate warnings during the meeting organization with its Meeting Place Finder to help the organizers make the right decision.