How often have you heard or read this… before the pandemic temporarily made this decision for us?

On a global level, we have all broken new ground in 2020 in terms of interaction and collaboration with friends, family, and colleagues. Some welcome this and see video conferencing not only as an equivalent substitute for a face-to-face meeting but also as a guide to the future of cooperation, at least in the professional sector. Others found the change very difficult, partly due to technological hurdles, but partly also because it is difficult to establish a “connection” with the conversation partner without personal contact.

In addition to individual preferences, there are of course a number of factors that have to be taken into account when making a decision, such as sustainability, efficiency, safety, costs, and the well-being of the participants.

The fact is that after the end of the pandemic, the decision is again before us as to which event we choose which format – and that is a good thing.

Let us embrace the variety of possibilities, let us use technology where it makes sense, and let us look forward to shaking hands again with our colleagues, suppliers, and customers. With this in mind, we have expanded our public and free platform CONVIEN KLATCH to support the planning of web meetings in addition to optimizing the meeting location for face-to-face meetings.

Enjoy the procedural freedom and the opportunity to organize face-to-face and web meetings on one platform and in any case have the certainty that you will be supported in the planning process as efficiently, sustainably and cost-effectively as possible.